Digitalisation. It’s the new buzzword alongside automation and it is the future for many businesses. Automation and digitalisation will take away menial and repetitive tasks and allow humans to do the stuff that computers can’t e.g. reasoning, so that *should* lead to workforces being more ‘human’, more ‘feeling’ and more flexible in the way they approach problems. To futureproof your business, you need to be able to support the changing demands of the workforce by having the right structures and culture to support them. We can help you do this.

It’s a fact that your people can make or break a transformation project, but if you fail to prepare your workforce, you can’t expect the changes to be well-adopted. That’s where we can help:

Before change

You can spend a fortune on a new tech system, but if you forget the end-users when you’re developing and designing it, you might as well just throw your investment away.

Think of us as an insurance policy – we make sure the changes you’d like to make are brought to life and your workforce gets on-board early doors. It can be very expensive to retrieve projects when your employees have mentally checked out, so it’s best to include and involve them as much as you can.

During change

We love change and transformation and thrive on unpicking a company’s DNA…we get right under the skin of your culture and understand what makes your company’s heart beat. This enables us to embed new ideas and transform the way your workforce thinks about change; turning it into one which embraces change rather than fears it.

After change

Sometimes it is clear that a business needs a little help to be as productive and efficient as you know it can be. After a period of change there are often people or processes that need a push in the right direction and we can help with that. We help to embed changes to ensure you get the return on investment you were expecting from your project.

If you’ve already tried to implement a new way of working and it’s not had the desired effect. We can work with teams who have attempted a change project and either abandoned it or don’t know how to put things right once it’s gone off-piste. We go back to basics and work with you and your workforce to put things right. We learn about the culture of your business and find out where things could have been approached differently, to get you and your team back on track. We deal with those difficult folks who are change-weary and we get them on-board. We work closely with you to create home-grown change champions, involve and include them and we learn from past mistakes, draw a line under the changes that have gone before. We reinvigorate your people and reapproach the project from a people perspective to ensure we keep your employees engaged and focused on the future, not on the past.